Author Archives: Eric Rosen

How Do Civil Jury Trials Work in Florida?
If you’re a victim of personal injury who has filed a lawsuit which is going to trial, you may find it stressful because you don’t know what to expect or what the outcome will be. And you’re not alone, there are still many practicing attorneys out there who are nervous whenever the prospect of… Read More »

Which Salad Dressing Was Recalled Due to Undeclared Allergens?
On September 24, 2022, Treehouse Foods Inc. voluntarily recalled one of their Italian Style Dressings sold under the name, “Tuscan Garden.” The product was recalled because the company failed to include the fact that the product contained wheat and soy and did not list them as allergens. There are several people who may have… Read More »

What Happens If You Lose Your Personal Injury Case in Florida?
Even the greatest attorneys in the world sometimes have their losses. And although the client may have genuinely required justice for their claim, there are a multitude of reasons that could have resulted in them losing their case. But just because you lost your case at the trial level does not mean it is… Read More »

How Do You Know If You Were the Victim of Florida Medical Malpractice?
Having trust in medical professionals is incredibly important when it comes to your wellbeing in times of health emergencies. When we get sick, and you have no background in medicine, your doctor is who you turn to in your time of need. And although doctors usually operate with the highest degree of care when… Read More »

Can You Collect More Than What the Defendant is Insured for in Florida?
When a defendant has an insurance policy, you generally can collect the maximum limit of that insurance policy, assuming the value of your case is equal to or greater than the value of that policy (that is, the amount the Defendant is insured for). This is important to know, because if the value of… Read More »

Can a Parent Be Held Liable for the Negligent Acts of Their Minor Child in Florida?
So the question for today is, can a parent be held liable for the negligent acts of their minor child causing injury to another person? So this is a quick analysis under Florida law. So believe it or not, the general rule in Florida is that a parent cannot be held liable for the… Read More »

Can You Go After Personal Assets in a Florida Car Accident Lawsuit for Your Injuries?
So here’s the fact pattern that I see all too often. Assume that you were in a car accident and the other person has no insurance or very low coverage to cover your injuries; the question is, can you sue that person to hold them responsible and can you go after their personal assets… Read More »

What Are the Most Common Construction Site Accidents in Florida?
Construction sites can be dangerous places, both for workers, and for the general public. In major construction areas, a construction accident can affect buildings, people, pedestrians, and surrounding homes, causing significant injuries-especially when construction is in urban or populated areas. But why do construction accidents happen, and what are common harms, risks or dangers,… Read More »

What Are the Latest Car Accident Statistics in Florida?
Floridians are no strangers to the hazards of driving within the state. There seems to be something in the air that makes some Florida drivers more susceptible to driving in unsafe ways. Although this accounts for only a minority of Florida drivers, the impact that minority has on the safety of others is prevalent…. Read More »

What Is the Liability For A Dog Bite In Florida?
Florida law holds the owner of a dog who bites a victim strictly liable for the incident. The safest way to prevent an incident as a dog owner is to place warning signs in a prominent place that are easily legible. If you were bitten by a dog and the owner had a sign,… Read More »