Westwood Lakes Personal Injury Lawyer

Frequently Asked Questions

How do Westwood Lakes personal injury attorneys charge for their services?

The majority of personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis. That means that the client doesn’t have to pay any money upfront, and doesn’t have to pay anything at all unless the case is won and a settlement is achieved.

What compensation am I entitled to in a personal injury case?

If you have been injured by no fault of your own, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages, medical expenses, damage to your property, and all other forms of physical, emotional, and financial loss.

Will I have to go to court to resolve my case in Westwood Lakes?

You may or may not have to show up in court to resolve your personal injury case. It will depend on the specifics of your case, and the clarity of the evidence that’s being presented.

How long does a Westwood Lakes personal injury case usually take to resolve?

It depends on the case. Some are settled without going to court, almost instantly. Others can take years of litigating, presenting evidence, and persisting in your fight against insurance company lawyers.

Can I still pursue a claim if I was partially at fault for the accident?

If you are only partially at fault for an automotive accident, or any other type of unfortunate event that caused personal injury, you may be entitled to some compensation for any losses you incurred.

Will my case be settled through negotiation or litigation?

Every case is different. Generally, it’s better for all parties to achieve a fair settlement without ever having to show up at the courthouse. That’s why having a skilled attorney is imperative. Call the Fort Lauderdale injury lawyers at Rosen Injury Law today at (954) 787-1500.