Which Florida Motorcycle Laws Can Impact Damage Awards in an Injury Settlement?

In Florida, juries in personal injury cases award damages based on which party they consider to be more “at fault.” The following article will provide some Florida laws that can impact the amount of damages a motorcyclist can receive in a personal injury case. Florida’s comparative negligence system Florida Statute § 768.81 states that…

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Why Might a Personal Injury Attorney Refuse to Take My Case in Florida?

If you were recently injured, you might have started consulting personal injury attorneys to take on your case. If you are finding that several of the attorneys you have consulted refuse to take your case, they may have a valid reason for doing so. This article will discuss some of the potential reasons why…

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What Are Considered Pain And Suffering Damages in Florida?

If you have recently been injured, you may find yourself wondering what types of damages you might be entitled to if you decide to file a personal injury lawsuit. The following article will discuss a certain type of damages that are awarded in many personal injury cases in the state of Florida, which are…

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Which Elements of Proof are Required in a Florida Birth Defect Medical Malpractice Case?

Unfortunately, many babies are born with birth defects, and sadly, many of these birth defects are the result of medical malpractice. The following article will provide some information regarding the specific elements you will need to prove in a birth defect medical malpractice case in the state of Florida. Florida Law on Medical Malpractice…

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What Is the “Attractive Nuisance” Doctrine and Premises Liability in Florida?

In some cases, property owners can be held liable for injuries that occur to people on their property. Under the “attractive nuisance” doctrine, a property owner can be held responsible if a child is injured on the owner’s property due to some type of artificial condition located on the property that is particularly appealing…

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What are the Most Common Types of Medical Malpractice Cases in Florida?

If you have a medical malpractice claim that you intend to bring to court, you will need to know the type of evidence that is required to make a successful claim. The following article will provide some of the most common types of medical malpractice cases, as well as the different types of evidence…

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Can Someone Sue After Signing a Waiver of Liability Form in Florida?

Last week, a six year old little girl died tragically at an amusement park in Colorado. Currently the investigation is ongoing trying to determine what caused this little girl to fall over a hundred feet off a ride that was designed for families and kids. Some questions have arisen, whether the amusement park was…

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Can You Sue the State of Florida for Negligence?

Yes, you can sue the State of Florida for negligence, but there are strict legal procedures to follow. The state has waived some of its sovereign immunity protections under the Florida Tort Claims Act, allowing lawsuits for negligence claims against state employees acting within the scope of their duties. However, there are limitations on…

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What Do I Need to Know About Florida Motorcycle Accidents?

Motorcycle accidents can have deadly results. According to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), there were 597 motorcycle fatalities in the state of Florida in 2019. The following article will provide some statistics regarding Florida motorcycle accidents and highlight some common causes of these types of accidents. Florida Motorcycle Accident Statistics The following statistics…

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What Are the Potential Defense Stances in a Product Liability Case in Florida?

If you were ever injured by a product, you may have a valid products liability claim against the manufacturer of the product, as well as against any distributor, seller, or retailer of that product. However, it is crucial to understand some of the potential defenses that a manufacturer or retailer may bring in a…

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