What Are the Latest Car Accident Statistics in Florida?

Floridians are no strangers to the hazards of driving within the state. There seems to be something in the air that makes some Florida drivers more susceptible to driving in unsafe ways. Although this accounts for only a minority of Florida drivers, the impact that minority has on the safety of others is prevalent.
Florida currently ranks third in the nation for total car accidents and accident-related deaths. Despite the fact that dangerous driving is a known phenomenon throughout the state, people continue to do so. And it is all too often that a safe driver will be caught in the crossfire and get injured through the fault of another driver. In the worst cases, they may end up being killed.
If you or a loved one have been the victim of a personal injury because of the fault of another’s negligent driving, call Rosen Injury Law at 954-787-1500. Our team of dedicated attorneys and paralegals are determined to ensure you find justice for your injuries.